Stonebridge Travel Consulting invites you to Culture Summit
Culture champions all over the world return to Culture Summit for one reason: The Content.
We work with all of our speakers to ensure every session is full of useful takeaways and tangible materials you can bring back to work.
Our theme for 2022 is The Great Reset and the content will be centered around these three pillars:
Creating a New Vision of Work-Life Balance – employees’ needs have changed dramatically and there is a greater recognition for more balanced lives.
Redesigning the Work Experience – over the past two years, employees have proven you do not need to be in the office to be productive.
Reimagining the Employer/Employee Relationship – if companies don’t value and support their employees, they’re no longer competing with local markets, they’re competing with the world.
On behalf of Stonebridge Travel Consulting use discount code STONEBRIDGE10 to save 10% off your ticket!